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NPF Pensioner members – payment details

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Pensioner Members who pay their subscriptions (and any other regular payments, like Draw entries) directly from their Nationwide Pension Fund pension every month will have received a letter from the Pension Fund advising them that in the future, Buck Consulting will be paying them rather than Nationwide Building Society.

The letter also explains that you can choose to pay by direct debit instead: just to be clear, this is a choice that is available to you, it is not something you are required to do.

Some members have asked whether this will affect their subscription payments. We can reassure you that if you are already paying in this way, you do not need to do anything – Buck will continue to ensure that your subscriptions are paid from your pension in the same way as before.

If you do nothing at this point, you can rest assured that your Union membership will continue, and if you participate in the Draw, that will also still be the case.

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