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Nationwide Pension Fund Election

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Members of the Nationwide Pension Fund will be aware that there is an election for two Member Nominated Trustee Directors, as the current terms of two Trustee Directors are coming to an end. They are both standing for re-election on this occasion.

These are important and challenging roles as Trustee Directors are accountable for representing the interests of all members of the Pension Fund, and for the safety and security of their current and future retirement income.

It is vitally important that all Fund members take an active interest in the running of the Fund and demonstrate this by voting in the election.  All Directors have the duty to ensure the Fund is run in accordance with the Trust Deed & Rules and to treat all categories of members fairly.  Trustees are not representatives of a particular group of staff, Management or of the Union, and they must maintain the highest standards of integrity.

Pension Fund Members who have registered their email addresses with the Fund should receive an email today advising them of the election, and providing a link to a website where they can cast their vote electronically. Fund Members who have not registered their email addresses will receive a letter in the next few days informing them of how to vote.

Please keep an eye out for these communications, and please vote.

Union members frequently ask for advice as to how they should use their vote.  It is for this reason that we have made recommendations to our members in the past.

The Union believes that fund members’ interests will be best served by re-electing Rob Goldspink as one of the two Trustee Directors.  Rob has been involved in Nationwide pension matters for over fifteen years having been a member of the NGSU pensions negotiating team before he was first elected as a Trustee Director in 2008. Since the beginning of 2020, Rob has also been the Assistant General Secretary of NGSU, but I would reiterate that as a Trustee Director, he represents only the members of the Pension Fund, not the Union.

At this election, we recommend that members vote for ROB GOLDSPINK as a Member Nominated Trustee Director.

Tim Rose
General Secretary

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