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What is a Regional Council?

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Our Representative structure is based around Regions that reflect the organisational and geographical
structure at Nationwide. Reps from each of the Regions come together to form a Regional Council and each Regional Council is represented on the National Executive Committee (NEC) by a National Regional Officer (NRO). There are six Regional Councils across the admin centres and four across the branch network with around 190 elected Union Reps across Nationwide whose main role is to represent the voice of the members in their constituency.

The function of Regional Councils is defined by the Union’s rules. These are:

• To consider all matters affecting the members within the Region brought to its attention by members within the Region or by Reps attending the meetings
• As appropriate to formulate, consider, debate and vote on Motions for submission to National
Conference and resolutions for submission to the NEC to discuss and vote upon
• To receive reports on national and local issues, and inform all members of the activities of the Union

The Union team meets three times a year with Reps from across the branch network and admin centres; these meetings are called Regional Council meetings.

So, in summary, at a Regional Council meeting we meet to discuss matters of ongoing concern raised by Union members and Reps; to discuss and create “Motions” for debate at Conference; and to provide Reps with updates on Union matters such as changes to Society policies and issues under negotiation.

All Reps in the Region are entitled to attend a Regional Council and can send a deputy on their behalf if they are unable to attend (who is delegated full voting rights).

Regional Councils are an important part of the communication process between Union Officers,
Reps and members. It is extremely helpful to have an open and honest debate about issues affecting members who fall within a Regional Council; this gives Union Officers a useful insight and is of huge benefit when talking to Nationwide about the working environment.

The most recent Regional Council meetings took place in October and November; usually these are held at different locations across the country however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they are currently held via Teams.

A summary of meeting for the branch network and admin centres can be found here.


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