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JCNC Summary: June 2020

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Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee – Summary for June 2020

MEETING HELD: 9 June 2020

Graeme Burns – Senior Manager, Employee Relations (ER)
Tim Rose – General Secretary, NGSU
Rob Goldspink – Assistant General Secretary, NGSU
Tracy Conwell – Director, Employee Relations


Sam Hodgson – Sen Mgr Performance & Capability and Tulsi Patel – ED&I Manager
Nigel Green – Project Mgr and Hannah Rushton – Payment Services Mgr


Yasmin Leonard – Employee Relations Adviser

Due to employees being asked to work from home where possible to minimise the spread of Coronavirus, the shortened meeting took place via Teams.

Sam Hodgson and Tulsi Patel joined the meeting to provide an overview of the performance rating distribution for Job Levels 1-3 2019/20 and compared this to previous years. The planned next steps were shared and further conversations will take place outside of JCNC to gather feedback from NGSU.

Nigel Green and Hannah Rushton joined the meeting to provide an update on Adjustment Passports, the timeline of activity that had taken place, feedback received, launch during Covid-19 and lessons learnt / next steps.

A number of papers were provided for noting in respect of Pensions, Coronavirus temporary changes, Security & Resilience update, Policy Simplification, PeopleCloud and Fair Treatment at Work summaries for the February and May meetings.

A number of actions were agreed with regards to the above and actions were closed in respect of Car Allowance, PeopleCloud, Pension Fund data and Coronavirus.

The next JCNC will take place on 16 July 2020.

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