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Contacting us

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As you can imagine, we are receiving an unprecedented number of calls and enquiries at the moment, which means that we may not be able to answer your call straightaway.

We have gathered together all our information relating to the Coronavirus outbreak and it is accessible directly via the News menu, one of the “red boxes” on the Member Home Page, and the scrolling News bar at the top of the page.

Members will be aware that AskHR is no longer taking phone calls, but they are still available through webchat, or by creating a case online. (You will need to be using a Society connection – LAN or VPN – in order to access these pages.) Members who are not in the office and don’t have access to the intranet are advised to contact their line manager, who should be able to access AskHR on their behalf.

If you need to speak to one of our Individual Cases Officers, about Coronavirus or another employment-related matter, please use this link, leaving your contact details, and a brief outline of the issue. One of our team will contact you as soon as we’re able to. If you’ve been advised that you’ve been invited to a formal hearing or HR meeting, please complete this form instead.

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    Contact NGSU