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Branch Network National Regional Officers Ballots

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Branch Network National Regional Officers

At the closing date for nominations for the four positions of National Regional Officer (NRO) – Branch Network North, East, South and West (for the reminding period of the current term of office ending 31 December 2017), we have received valid nominations as follows:

North – Donald Bowie, Darren Blundell & Jane Turnbull
East – Christine Cooper, Noel Reilly & Cliff Turner
South – Peter Marsh & Matt Stanley
West – Rajesh Aggarwal, Caroline Gillam & Claire Henson

I am, therefore, calling an election for these four NRO positions and the ballot will be conducted for NGSU by Electoral Reform Services.

Ballot papers should start arriving at members’ home addresses just after Christmas.  Please take time to read the candidates election statements and then cast your vote for one candidate on the ballot paper and return it to the Electoral Reform Services in the pre-paid envelope provided.

The ballot will close at noon on Monday 16th January 2017 and the results will be published in NGSU newsletters and on our website.

Tim Poil
General Secretary

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