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JCNC Summary – Nov 2015

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Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee – Summary for November 2015

MEETING HELD: 3 November 2015
Antonia Humphreys, Senior Manager Employee Relations
Mary Skinner, Employee Relations Consultant
Tim Poil , General Secretary, NGSU
Tim Rose, Assistant General Secretary, NGSU

Judith Holder, Nationwide Direct; Graeme Burns & Adam Bellamy, Human Resources
Neil Hasson – HR Analytics
Greig D’Cruz – Compliance Programmes
Darren O’Neil – Pensions

Tracy Conwell, Head of Employee Engagement

MINUTES: Yasmin Leonard, Employee Relations Adviser

The Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee received presentations from a number of guests.

Greig D’Cruz attended the meeting to provide an overview of the work of the Conduct & Compliance Risk Programme. The JCNC noted that as part of this work, some HR policies would be reviewed.

Darren O’Neil provided the quarterly update on pensions which covered the changes to the additional employee contribution in the Group Personal Pension as well as communications on the National Insurance changes affecting Nationwide Pension Fund members from April 2016 and the next auto-enrolment exercise for non-members of the GPP in the New Year.

Judith Holder, Graeme Burns and Adam Bellamy joined the meeting to provide an update on overtime within CS&O.

Neil Hasson provided an overview of the question set for the December 2015 ViewPoint survey.

NGSU tabled union motions relating to temporary workers and recognising loyalty. The JCNC discussed the recent NGSU Conference and the motions passed.

A number of actions were agreed. The next JCNC will take place on 8 December 2015.

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