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Union Mail – June 2015: Diversity Information and Emergency Contact Details

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Diversity Information and Emergency Contact Details

NGSU is supporting an initiative by Nationwide to encourage all employees to record diversity information on HR PeopleSoft and to ensure they have registered emergency contact details for a chosen contact.  We’d encourage all Union members to check and update their details – it’s easy to do and will only take a few minutes.

Diversity Information – by providing your diversity information you will be helping Nationwide establish a better understanding of the needs of the workforce.  This is vital if we are to work together to ensure people policies and procedures create a working environment where everyone is treated fairly and can fulfil their potential at work.

‘Prefer Not to Say’ – we believe members can be confident that their diversity information will be used appropriately and be will kept confidential.  However, anyone who has reservations can now update the PeopleSoft by selecting a new option ‘prefer not to say’. Using this option means the Society will know that you’ve made an active decision not to disclose the information.  Your decision will be respected and you won’t be asked to divulge specific information.

Please take time to update HR PeopleSoft – whether that’s to provide your diversity information or confirm that you’d ‘prefer not to say’.  Either way, it is important data that will help to inform the Society’s diversity and inclusion strategy.

Emergency Contacts – the importance of making sure HR has your up to date contact information was highlighted in a recent tragic incident where sadly the Society was unable to contact a relative or friend of the employee concerned.  We all hope that we’ll never be in a position where this information is needed but it is worth making the effort just in case.  Your chosen contact can be your partner, another relative or even a friend.  There are easy to follow instructions on My Details on HR PeopleSoft – do it now!

Tim Poil
General Secretary

NGSU News in Brief

EIC and Business Committees

The Employee Involvement Committee (EIC) provides a regular forum for the exchange of information between Nationwide and NGSU.  This considers high level strategic information about the operation of the business and its impact on employees.  The EIC meeting in June will be an opportunity for the Union to discuss matters arising from the Corporate Plan, the annual results and what they mean for issues such as the annual pay review and performance management.

This formal exchange between NGSU and the Society also takes place at a Divisional level via the EIC Business Committees.  These provide a forum for NGSU representatives to discuss issues from their part of the business with Divisional Directors, Senior Executives and HR.  They can play an important role in helping to shape the local working practices and environment.  To be effective we need Union members to raise issues with their local Representative so we can be sure we’re making the most of the opportunity the Business Committees provide to highlight issues and agree solutions.  There are a number of Business Committees being held in June:

Central Distribution (Direct and NNow): 10 June
Group Operations: 16 June
Finance: 23 June
Customer Service and Ops: 29 June
Branch Network: 29 June

NGSU Conference 2015

We will be holding our biennial National Conference in October.  This is the policy making forum for the Union and helps to determine our negotiation strategy over the next two years.  Next month we’ll be asking members to submit their ideas and topics for issues to be debated at Conference – but please start talking to your local Reps about this now.

Hotpoint Privilege Purchase Club

Last month we launched a new member benefit in association with Hotpoint.  NGSU members can now get discounts of up to 30% on Hotpoint and Indesit products – plus free delivery and disposal of existing appliances.  Members were also able to receive an additional 10% on orders placed in May.

Hotpoint have been delighted with the response from NGSU members and have extended the additional 10% offer for a further week.  To take advantage of this offer, please enter the voucher code ‘JUNE10’ when ordering from the Privilege Purchase Club website.

Later in June, NGSU members can also participate in a promotion being offered to all members of the Privilege Purchase Club.  This is an additional 6% discount and everyone who orders will be entered into a draw with the chance to win 1 of 15 microwave ovens.  This offer will apply for the period 15th – 30th June and members must use the voucher code ‘SUMMER6’ at the checkout.

Full details of the scheme and the NGSU access code can be found on our website or please call 01295 710767.

Free Legal Help at the End of the Phone

This NGSU service is provided by Slater & Gordon Lawyers (S&G).  S&G are experts you can trust – they’ve been working with unions and their members for over 80 years.

So whatever your query, simply call the free phone number – 0800 916 9063 – and talk to one of their legal advisors in complete confidence.  As a member, both you and your immediate family have 24 hour* access to free legal advice throughout the year.  The service will answer your simple legal queries straight away or provide initial assistance for more complex issues, giving you instant peace of mind.

Please note free phone numbers are not always free from mobile phone networks. Please check with your own network first or use a landline to ensure you do not pay for the call.

The Legal Advice Helpline covers:

  • Problems arising out of the sale of goods or supply of services (e.g. faulty products, contract disputes)
  • Small debts and credit problems
  • Housing and property matters
  • Questions relating to Wills and Administration of Estates
  • Family and Divorce problems involving children, family assets and other related matters
  • Crime
  • General Employment matters

*The helpline is available 24hrs but callers between 8pm and 9am (and on bank holidays) will be asked to provide details of their query and arrangements will be made for a legal advisor to call back.

For specific Nationwide issues please contact NGSU directly.

June Draw Winners

First Prize  :  £12,047
096947  :  Susan Bruce of Potters Bar branch

Second Prize  :  £5,000
107141  :  Jane Sleep of Great Malvern branch

Third Prize  :  £2,000
122992  :  Peyman Bandar of Worthing branch

Fourth Prizes  :  £500
105129  :  Louisa Lindfield of Gravesend branch
085985  :  Gail Fulbrook of Sudbury branch
131504  :  Julie Noble of Peterhead branch

NGSU members can increase their number of chances in our monthly draw at any time during their Union membership.

You can have a maximum of 10 chances – each chance costs just £1.  Every month 75% of the draw pool is returned to members as prizes and 25% is retained to help meet the running costs of the Union.  The draw is restricted to NGSU members only.

To enter the draw or increase your chances please email us at, call us on 01295 710767 or download an application form from our website.

If you pay your Union subscriptions by salary deduction we can collect your draw subscriptions that way too.

Please ensure we have your correct contact details on file so that we can let you know the good news!  Please visit to edit your details.

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