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JCNC- Summary for May 2015

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Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee – Summary for May 2015

MEETING HELD: 12 May 2015
Tracy Conwell, Head of Employee Relations
Antonia Humphreys, Senior Manager Employee Relations
Tim Poil, General Secretary, NGSU
Tim Rose, Assistant General Secretary, NGSU

Neil Lewis – Employee Services
Craig Pocock – HR Business Partnering – Sam Haysom – People Transformation, Graeme Burns – Employee Relations
Rachel Gwynne – Leadership Talent & Development
Ian Baines – Pensions
Rosemary Crabb – Flexible Benefits
Paul Brock – Intranet Transformation Project Team
Iain Rusling – Information Security and Gail Restall – Employee Relations
MINUTES: Yasmin Leonard, Employee Relations Adviser

The Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee received presentations from a number of guests.

Craig Pocock, Sam Haysom and Graeme Burns outlined work being carried out to respond to the Strengthening Individual Accountability (SIA) regulatory changes; further consultation will take place as the work progresses.

Rachel Gwynne returned to JCNC to provide an overview of the actual annual performance rating distribution.

Rosemary Crabb provided an update on the review of recognising loyalty awards.

Iain Rusling and Gail Restall outlined the feedback received from a recent pilot exercise aimed at strengthening security relating to electronic communications.

Regular updates were provided by Neil Lewis on the HR Transformation, Iain Baines on Pensions and Paul Brock on the Intranet Transformation programme.

The JCNC discussed and agreed changes which aim to provide additional time at the meeting for consultation and discussion by streamlining the mechanisms for information exchange.

A number of actions were agreed. The next JCNC will take place on 4 June 2015.

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