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Union Mail – April 2015: Communication & Privacy Policy/NGSU Forum

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Communication and Privacy Policy

A number of changes to the Communications_and_Privacy_Policy were announced in the Joint Statement issued on 26 March 2015.  The changes cover a relaxation of the restrictions relating to the use of personal mobile devices (in some business areas), the introduction of security testing measures across all Nationwide sites, and new rules governing the searching of individuals entering Nationwide premises (in response to specific information).

We do not anticipate that these changes will have a major impact on NGSU members.  However, this is a contractual policy and therefore we’d like to take this opportunity to remind members of the key aspects of the policy and the importance of adhering to the principles and terms that are contained in it.

Scope of the Policy

The Communication and Privacy Policy sets out a wide range of rules and requirements governing the use of Nationwide’s communication systems, the use of social media and the monitoring and surveillance of employees.

  • Use of Communication – this covers all forms of written, verbal or electronic communication and associated equipment.  The Policy sets out principles that guide the content of business communications, security arrangements for the protection of equipment and systems, and rules governing the reasonable personal use of Society equipment.
  • Social Media Policy – this sets out a number of principles that apply to the personal use of all forms of social media.  These apply whether you are using Society or your own equipment and at any time.
  • Monitoring and Surveillance – this section of the policy covers the systems that are in place to monitor activity and provide protection of employees and customers, to protect systems and support training activity, e.g. the recording of mystery shopping.  The Policy acknowledges that employees have a reasonable right to privacy at work but members would do well to understand the extent of telephone call recording, email and internet monitoring, and the use of CCTV.
  • Detection of Internal Fraud – the Society uses forensic checking systems to investigate suspected breaches of policy and to monitor information held on computer systems.  If evidence of fraudulent activity is identified this will be considered to be Gross Misconduct and could result in dismissal and prosecution.  Fortunately internal fraud is still rare but anyone who is tempted down such a route should know that fraud will be detected and they will be dismissed.
  • Security Testing – this is a new section of the policy and covers unannounced activity that is designed to test security systems.  These tests will simulate tactics that may be used by individuals to gain unauthorised access to Nationwide property and systems.  The purpose of the tests is to improve training and awareness of security measures, and to identify process improvements.
  • Searching of Individuals – searching of people entering Nationwide premises may be authorised in response to specific information as an added security measure to help keep employees safe.  Any searching activity will only be carried out by licensed and trained individuals and will be conducted in accordance with agreed guidelines.

This is just a summary of the key topics covered by the Communication and Privacy Policy and we recommend that members take time to read it in full as failure to comply with the Policy can result in Disciplinary Action.  The Policy can be downloaded from the HR Policy Point on the Intranet or from the Help at Work/HR Policies section of the NGSU website.

Tim Poil
General Secretary

NGSU Forum

Our online chat room, The Forum, is now back up and running.  This is an important way for members to tell us what is happening in their part of the business and to share issues and concerns with other Union members.

All NGSU members have immediate access to the Forum by logging onto our website.  Members are able to change their Forum username if they wish to remain anonymous.  We welcome a robust debate about issues facing NGSU members but ask members to respect our ‘House Rules’.

  • Please think about what you write – no offensive, abusive posts.
  • Keep all contributions civil, tasteful and relevant – no swearing!
  • Respect copyright and other laws.
  • Don’t impersonate someone else.

The Forum is restricted to NGSU members but, as with any social networking site, be careful about disclosing personal details such as your address or phone number.

Visit the Forum at

Affinity Leasing Launches New Website

NGSU is a recognised partner of Affinity Leasing and this means our members are eligible for discounts on car leasing arrangements.

Affinity has launched a new website that makes it easier to find a car which meets your needs and also fits your budget.

The website includes the following new features:

  • Complete vehicle details and images so you can see the full spec of each car
  • Special offers
  • An advanced customisation tool that allows users to tailor quotes to match your finances and driving needs.

If you visit the website direct you will need to enter the NGSU code to access the discounts available to our members.

The code can be found in the Affinity Leasing page on the NGSU websites (from the Member Services section) or call us on 01295 710767.  If you follow the link to Affinity that is embedded in our website there’s no need to enter the code – you’ll get straight through to the discounted prices.

The site is packed with help and advice, and explanations of lease types, so if you have never considered sourcing a new car in this way, now is the time!  You can obtain a part exchange value for your current car, search for a car which suits your budget and even apply online if you so wish.

There are a number of ways to contact Affinity Leasing:

  • Visit
  • Call free from a landline on 0800 060 70 70 or cheaper from a mobile on 01299 266610
  • email:
  • text 2Lease to 88802 and they will call you back

Regional Council Meetings

We will be holding Union Regional Councils during April, May and June and we invite Union members to raise issues with their local NGSU Representative for further discussion at the Council meetings.  The Councils will begin the process of determining the topics they wish to bring forward for debate at our National Conference in October and so it is important that they are aware of the issues impacting on members.

The Councils meetings will also be looking ahead to the annual pay review negotiations which will take place in June.

You can find out who your local NGSU Representative is from the ‘Reps’ section of our website or call 01295 710767.

Council Dates

  • Bournemouth – 23 April 2015
  • Swindon – 24 April 2015
  • Branch Network (North 1) – 28 April 2015
  • Scottish Admin Centres – 29 April


  • Branch Network (South 1) – 11 May 2015
  • Branch Network (South 3) – 15 May 2015
  • Branch Network (South 2) – 22 May 2015


  • Branch Network (North 2) – 3 June 2015
  • Branch Network (North 3) – 5 June 2015
  • Northampton Admin Centres – 18 June 2015


Tim Poil
General Secretary

April Draw Winners

First Prize  :  £11,897
075607  :  Leslie Ruffell – Pensioner Member

Second Prize  :  £5,000
110943  :  Shirley Richards of Witham Branch

Third Prize  :  £2,000
087346  :  Carol-Anne Briggs of Customer Services & Operations (Swindon)

Fourth Prizes  :  £500
099157  :  Ruth Packer of Canterbury Branch
111328  :  Emma-Louise Shepherd of Customer Operations (NAC)
076449  :  Christine Harris of Exmouth Branch

NGSU members can increase their number of chances in our monthly draw at any time during their Union membership.  You can have a maximum of 10 chances – each chance costs just £1.  Every month 75% of the draw pool is returned to members as prizes and 25% is retained to help meet the running costs of the Union.  The draw is restricted to NGSU members only.

To enter the draw or increase your chances please email us at, call us on 01295 710767 or download an application form from our website.

If you pay your Union subscriptions by salary deduction we can collect your draw subscriptions that way too.









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