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Keeping Your Personal Details up to date

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Emergency Contact Details

A recent check by Nationwide has shown that 25% of employees have not registered any details of a chosen person to contact in the event of an emergency, such as a partner, family member or friend.  A survey in one Area revealed that even where employees had recorded information, the details were out of date.

We urge all members to register their emergency contact details or check that they are correct and to encourage their colleagues to do the same.  It is very easy to add or amend information from My Details on Peoplesoft HR.

Expression of Wish

In the unfortunate event of your death while employed by Nationwide, your nominated beneficiary will receive a payment equal to 4 x your basic salary.  Your chosen beneficiary can be changed at anytime. Completing an Expression of Wish form will help identify your chosen beneficiary without delaying the process, at an already difficult time.  An Expression of Wish form is available to complete on the Employee Pension internet site.



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