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Union Mail – June 2014: Pay Review 2014

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Pay Review 2014

We have had a number of meetings with the Society to discuss this year’s pay review. The early meetings have focused on the objectives each party is seeking from this year’s review and have identified a range of issues that are now subject to more detailed negotiation. We anticipate that the pay talks will continue throughout June with both sides still hoping to reach a settlement for implementation in July.

The publication of the Nationwide’s annual results is an important step in the pay review process. This year’s results have been acknowledged as the best in its history and that is a significant achievement given challenges that the financial services industry has faced over recent years.
We were particularly pleased to see the Society acknowledge the hard work and dedication of employees in its public proclamation that they are the Society’s “most valuable assets”. It is sentiment that the Union supports whole heartedly and something that we remind the Society about on a regular basis.

But it is a bold statement and one that sets expectations around rewards and all other aspects of the employee proposition. This must be more than just a marketing strap line – the Society must live up to this statement and demonstrate that it truly values its employees through its actions.

Tim Poil
General Secretary

Regional Council Update

The Union’s Regional Councils have been meeting in May and June to debate issues raised by members in branches and administration centres.

Branch Network

Customer Representatives from across the country are reporting confusion and inconsistency about the number of referrals they are required to make to meet their objectives in the CR performance plan.

CRs and PBMs are reporting that their performance is being increasingly assessed against targets for referrals and norms, rather than a holistic review of all aspects of their performance plan. Some are reporting that they have been told that failure to hit their target will result in an automatic part-met being given. If this is true it would be an inappropriate application of the performance management standards and members should use the appeal process if they are unhappy with their rating at the end of Q1.

Feedback from Mortgage Consultants reveals the challenges they are facing in respect of the implementation of MMR, with many having to do additional hours at home to complete suitability letters and admin.

There is still inconsistency in the application of the Branch Network Working Arrangement Policy and some members are reporting difficulties in claiming overtime payments and in-charge payments that are properly due.
In some branches the impact of TOIL is causing resourcing difficulties and instances of branches opening with just two staff members is increasing.

Union Reps will be discussing these issues with the Performance Directors at Regional Employee Involvement Committee (EIC) meetings in June and July.

Administration Centres

Members across the Contact Centres are reporting that they are working additional hours and are being required to work over shifts, in some cases without overtime. Teams in Direct Sales have also been coping with the impact of MMR. Some members have reported that they have been prevented from applying for other positions with the Society.

A common theme emerging from all the Centres is a perception that calibration of performance is being used to force a distribution of ratings. Some members feel that they have no input in determining their rating – rather that this is simply imposed by senior teams.

The Councils have debated a range of issues relating to facilities at the Centres – these include an on-going concern about some toilet facilities across several sites; the availability of car parking at NH and NAC and the ability of the canteen at Caledonia House to cater for increasing numbers of employees.

These and other issues are subject to further discussion at the relevant EIC Business Committees.

NEC Vacancies

National Regional Officer (South 2) Election Result

The nomination period for the position of National Regional Officer South 2 on the NEC, advertised in last month’s Union Mail, closed on Friday 30 May at 5pm. I have received one nomination for Caroline Gillam (Bromsgrove branch) and therefore declare that Caroline is elected to the NEC unopposed for the remaining period of the 2014/15 term of Office.

New Vacancy: National Regional Officer – Branch Network North 1

A vacancy has arisen for the position of National Regional Officer for our Branch Network North 1 Region (covering: North & East Scotland; West Scotland & Borders; Northern Ireland and Nationwide International).
Nomination Process

Members seeking nomination for this position must work within the Region and be proposed and seconded by members who also work in the Region. Nomination forms must be received at the Union’s Office by 5pm on Friday 27th June 2014. In the event that more than one nomination is received an election will be held. Only members who are employees of Nationwide are eligible for roles on the NEC in accordance with Union rules.

For more information and a nomination form for this NEC vacancy and all other District and Department Reps, please call Kerry Wagg, Rep Support Officer, on 01295 710767

Tim Poil
General Secretary

Union Subscriptions

The National Executive Committee has approved an increase in subscriptions for the Pensioner and Maternity category of membership in accordance with Rule 8.

The rate will increase from £1.70 to £1.90 per month and will take effect from 1 July 2014.

Members who pay their subscription by payroll deduction will have their revised subscription deducted from July’s pay. Members who pay by direct debit will receive separate notification of the revised rate – collection dates for direct debits remain unchanged.

The subscription rates for all other membership categories are unchanged.

Rapport Magazine

The summer edition of Rapport magazine will be sent to members in early July to home addresses. Branch members – look out for our ‘Pull Out and Keep Guide’ to the Branch Network Working Arrangements Policy. This quick reference guide seeks to answer some of the most common questions we’re asked about overtime and TOIL arrangements.

Dress Code

As summer approaches, employees working in the administration centres might like to check out the Dress Standards Mini-Guides on the Intranet.

If you’re not required to wear a corporate uniform, the general requirement is to wear smart casual clothes and to maintain a neat and tidy appearance. Employees who are deemed to have ‘dressed for the beach’ can be asked to go home and change and will be required to make-up any lost time!

The Code_of_Conduct_Policy also sets out a wide range of expectation standards of behaviour in relation to not only dress standards but personal relationships at work, drug and alcohol addition and non work related criminal convictions.

It is well worth reading the Policy occasionally as a reminder of the expected standards.

June Draw Winners

First Prize : £11,406

115217 : James Randall of Risk Management (Swindon)

Second Prize : £5,000

110482 : Scott Freeman of Finance & Business Protection (Swindon)

Third Prize : £2,000

098443 : Stephen Mason of IT Service Delivery (Swindon)

Fourth Prizes : £500

098565 : John Codling of Enterprise Development (Swindon)

126281 : Celeste Charles of Lending Control (NAC)

126998 : Jamal Feisal of Southgate Branch


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