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Union Mail – April 2014: Performance Rating – Appeals Process

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Performance Rating – Appeals Process

We hope that you will be satisfied that your annual performance rating is a fair reflection of your contribution over the past year.  However, if you believe your rating is inappropriate please use the appeals process.

The first stage of the process is to raise concerns informally or in writing with your manager.  You must do this within five working days of being told your rating.  If this fails to resolve the situation you can raise a formal grievance and request that a manager, who is independent from your line, hears your appeal.  You must submit your grievance to the Case Management Team, HR, Nationwide House within ten working days of your informal meeting with your manager.  If you are a Union member we can help you present your appeal at a grievance meeting.

We know that many employees are reluctant to use the appeals process – either because they do not believe it will alter the outcome or because they are worried about challenging their manager’s decision. We understand these concerns but would encourage members to use the process if they genuinely believe their rating is wrong.  The Society accepts that employees have the right to challenge these decisions and that the appeals process should be fair and independent.

Help and Support

If you have any concerns about the performance management process or would like to talk about appealing your rating please call us – 01295 710767.

Tim Poil
General Secretary

National Executive Committee – Executive Officer Vacancy

A vacancy has arisen for the position of Executive Officer on the National Executive Committee (NEC) for the remaining period of the 2014-2015 term of office.

The NEC is responsible for the overall running of the Union and implementation of policy as directed by National Conference.  As a member of the NEC you’ll attend bi-monthly meetings at the Union’s office in Middleton Cheney.  As an Executive Officer your role on the NEC is to consider how the work of the Union impacts on all members.

In addition to your NEC role you may also get involved in supporting individual Union members.  This can be simply being there to listen and provide moral support, offering some first line advice about Nationwide’s employment policies or directing them to one of the Union’s Individual Cases Officers.

Nationwide supports the work of the National Executive Committee by providing up to 11 days paid time off to attend NEC meetings, the biennial National Conference 2015 and to support local members.

Nomination Process

Members who would like to be elected to the NEC must be nominated by two NGSU members. Nomination forms must be received at the Union’s Office by 5pm on Friday 25th April 2014.  In the event that more than one nomination is received an election will be held.  Only members who are employees of Nationwide are eligible for roles on the NEC in accordance with Union rules.

More information and a nomination form can be downloaded from our website in the ‘News’ section or call Kerry Wagg, Rep Support Officer, on 01295 710767.

Tim Poil
General Secretary

Department and District Rep Vacancies

We also have some vacancies for Representatives in the branch network and departments.  Our Reps are playing an increasingly active part of the consultation process with Nationwide and so it is important that we have Reps from all parts of the business.

We are particularly keen to have more Representatives in these areas:

Branch Network:

Northern England & Southern Scotland
East Midlands
Counties & Cymru
The Midlands
South Midlands
Northamptonshire & North Bucks

Nationwide House and Threadneedle Street:

Legal & Compliance
Risk Management

A full list of vacancies is available from our website or call Kerry Wagg, Rep Support Officer, on 01295 710767.

Free Legal Advice Helpline – help at the end of the phone

This NGSU service is provided by Slater & Gordon Lawyers (S&G).  S&G are experts you can trust – they’ve been working with unions and their members for over 80 years.

So whatever your query, simply call the free phone number – 0800 916 9063 – and talk to one of their legal advisors in complete confidence.  As a member, both you and your immediate family have 24 hour* access to free legal advice throughout the year.  The service will answer your simple legal queries straight away or provide initial assistance for more complex issues, giving you instant peace of mind.

The Legal Advice Helpline covers:

• Problems arising out of the sale of goods or supply of services (e.g. faulty products, contract disputes)
• Small debts and credit problems
• Housing and property matters
• Questions relating to Wills and Administration of Estates
• Family and Divorce problems involving children, family assets and other related matters
• Crime
• General Employment matters

If your query relates to a specific issue about your employment at Nationwide please contact NGSU directly as our Individual Cases Officers will have knowledge of the Society’s policies and procedures and will be able to provide advice relevant to Nationwide.  Where necessary, the Union will take appropriate legal advice to support members with issues at work.

Please note free phone numbers are not always free from mobile phone networks.  Please check with your own network first or use a landline to ensure you do not pay for the call.
*The helpline is available 24hrs but callers between 8pm and 9am (and on bank holidays) will be asked to provide details of their query and arrangements will be made for a legal advisor to call back.

April Draw Winners

First Prize  :  £11,357

119257   :   Simon Nash of Intermediary Sales (BAC)

Second Prize  :  £5,000

092998   :   Dorothy Booty (Pension Fund Member)

Third Prize  :  £2,000

103984   :   Tracey Challis of Bishops Stortford Branch

Fourth Prizes  :  £500

120602   :   Lisa Dowling of Northampton (Kingsthorpe)

084915   :   Jennifer Rice of Crawley (The Boulevard)

123512   :   Mark Percival of Telephone Channels (NAC)


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