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Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee – Summary for October 2013

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MEETING HELD: 22 October 2013
PRESENT: Louisa Flaviani, Head of Employee Relations
Antonia Humphreys, Senior Manager Employee Relations
Anne Milne, Employee Relations Assistant
Tim Poil, General Secretary NGSU
Tim Rose, Assistant General Secretary, NGSU
GUESTS: Rachel Gwynne (Leadership, Talent & Dev. Manager); James Domm (Head of Service Delivery); Sarah Simpson (ER Consultant); Mark Griffiths (Senior Rewards Manager)
The Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee received presentations from a number of guests.

Rachel Gwynne (RG) updated the committee regarding the interim performance review process and how the distribution of ratings currently compared across the business. Actual ratings will be presented to the November JCNC and the NGSU requested that a number of aspects be pulled out in the analysis including further diversity metrics and a breakdown of areas within Group Retail.

James Domm (JD) provided an overview of Car Fleet Services and the transition from Inchcape to Leasedrive. The NGSU requested clarification on several points including benchmark cars and pricing and it was agreed that this would be brought to the next JCNC.

Sarah Simpson (SS) attended to discuss the current rules and process which apply in the event that an employee who is made redundant has applied for Permanent Incapacity Early Retirement. The Employee Relations team will undertake a review to ensure that the rules of the Nationwide Pension Fund and the HR policy are aligned.

Mark Griffiths (MG) provided the regular Rewards update which covered the annual allowances review, the new rewards governance committee and a forthcoming evaluation of the bonus eligibility criteria that applies across the bonus arrangements that operate across the business. Progress will be reported back to a future JCNC.

The NGSU raised two union motions. These related to the method of distributing pay/bonus letters and clarity on the cover provided for employees whilst travelling on Nationwide business. The Society agreed to consider these areas and provide a response through a future JCNC.

The JCNC agreed a number of actions in relation to the matters discussed and the items to be included in the update for the Employee Involvement Committee. The next JCNC will take place on 27 November 2013.


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