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Union Mail – February 2013

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FSA Guidance on Sales Incentives

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has issued its final guidance about the risk sales incentives can pose in driving mis-selling. The expectation is that firms should review their schemes and identify what changes they need to make. If the industry fails to respond the FSA could decide to impose new rules.
The guidance also recognises that it’s not just sales incentives that lead to mis-selling – the culture of an organisation can also have a significant impact.

We expect the guidance to play a significant part in changing bonus schemes and performance management in Nationwide. We hope this will lead to a cultural change and know that this is something that members will welcome.

NEC Vacancy – Executive Officer

A vacancy has arisen for the position of Executive Officer on the National Executive Committee (NEC) for the remaining period of the 2012/2013 term of office.

The NEC is responsible for the overall running of the Union and implementation of policy as directed by National Conference. As an Executive Officer you’ll attend bi-monthly NEC meetings at the Union’s office in Middleton Cheney. This year you’ll also attend the Union’s National Conference which is being held over 7-8th October in Daventry. The elected officer will be eligible for up to 11 paid days off from Nationwide to fulfil their Union duties and attend meetings.

Nomination forms must be received at the Union’s Office by 5pm on Friday 22nd February 2013. In the event that more than one nomination is received an election will be held. Only members who are employees of Nationwide are eligible for roles on the NEC in accordance with Union rules.

For more information and a nomination form please call Steve Barnes, NGSU President, on 01295 710767.

Tim Poil
General Secretary

Keep your Union Records up to date

To help us keep our membership records up to date please make sure you tell us about any changes to your working arrangements (for example, changing your hours or going on maternity leave) or contact details (moving home or changing phone numbers). Please note that it is your responsibility to advise us of any changes to your employment which may affect your Union subscriptions. We are unable to provide refunds for any overpayments (NGSU Rule 6d).

You can amend your records online from our website (from Quick Links box on the Home page) or call us on 01295 710767.

Work Your Proper Hours Day (1 March 2013)

Work Your Proper Hours Day (1 March 2013) is the day when the average person who does unpaid overtime finishes the unpaid days they do every year. To celebrate this day why not make the effort to take a proper lunch break and to leave on time! Find out more at

Branch Working Arrangements – Update

New employee and manager guides have been issued to support the Branch Working Arrangements Policy. Both guides are essential reading for all branch employees and are available on the intranet or you can download them from our website (follow ‘Branch Working’ from the Quick Links menu). Please tell us or your local union Rep about any concerns regarding the implementation of the arrangements in your Area.

From issues that have been raised with us recently we would like to clarify these points:

Unplanned Overtime: Attracts an overtime payment. Employees can ask for TOIL instead but the contractual position is that a payment will be made. Unplanned overtime can be claimed if you are required to stay beyond your finishing time to serve customers or balance.

TOIL Tool: All employees should have access to the TOIL tool. The principle governing when TOIL should be taken is that it should be at a time which is of benefit to the employee. Only when agreement can’t be reached can managers roster it in – a week’s notice must be given and it must be within a reasonable period of the TOIL being accrued.

Branch Managers: Are eligible to claim an overtime payment where it is properly due in accordance with the Policy. As Level 2 employees this is a contractual entitlement and Branch Managers should not be ‘persuaded’ that they should set an example by not claiming it.

Saturday Rest Breaks: Employees working in branches that open to 3pm are entitled to an unpaid rest break of 20 minutes.

Changes to Work Location: Employees must be properly consulted about proposals to change their work location. The process set out in the Changes to Working Arrangements Guides must be followed and reasonable minimum notice must be given.

Temporary Parking Arrangement for Medical Reasons

We’d just like to remind members in the Administration Centres that temporary parking arrangements can be made to help employees who need additional support with a medical condition or pregnancy.

These might include:

• During the latter stages of pregnancy where an individual is experiencing difficulty walking distances.
• Return to work after a major operation.
• Where a severe medical condition has been diagnosed which impacts the individual’s mobility.

More information is available from the Intranet.

February Draw Winners

First Prize: £10,610
105925: Joanna Cebula of Balance Sheet Risk

Second Prize: £5,000
092137: Saul Eustace of TP SMT

Third Prize: £2,000
124781: James Duffie of NAC1

Fourth Prizes: £500
126545: Govind Kandola of Coventry
108194: Sian Aby of Employee Development (RSAC)
106443: Beth Coleman of Operations & Strategic Dev

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