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Union Mail – January 2013

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The Year Ahead

As we enter 2013 we thought we’d highlight some of the issues that will be influencing the workplace over the next few months and Union activity throughout the year.


Branch Network Working Arrangements – the contractual changes to the branch network come into effect from 1 January 2013. All branches should have started to use the new rostering and TOIL recording tools and begun to discuss the resourcing requirements for their branch. However, we still expect this to be an evolving process and for working patterns to be discussed and agreed with employees and not just imposed without consultation. We also expect to see paid overtime as a feature of resourcing plans across the network, and overtime budgets are still available.

In-Charge Payments and Additional Responsibility Payments – we expect to agree revised procedures relating to these ‘stepping-up’ payments for the branch network early in the New Year.

Pay Strategy Review – a review of pay strategy is underway with the aim of reaching agreement in advance of the July pay review. The recent report by the FSA regarding sales incentives will play an important part in the review and we expect talks to consider revised bonus and performance management arrangements.

National Executive Committee (NEC) – the first NEC meeting of the year will be held on 23 Jan 2013 and bi-monthly thereafter.

NGSU Roadshows – the Union will be visiting all the administration centres during January and February and members will have the opportunity to meet representatives from the Travel Club.


Increases in Statutory Payments – increases to some statutory payments come into effect this month, including the maximum compensation award of unfair dismissal rising to £74,200, and a week’s pay (for the purpose of statutory calculations such as redundancy pay) increasing to £450.

Parental Leave – the current statutory entitlement to (unpaid) parental leave is currently 13 weeks. This is being increased to 18 weeks from March 2013 and we expect to agree changes to the ‘Other Family Leave’ policy to reflect the increase.

Redundancy Policy – the Government has announced that the period of compulsory collective consultation, when more than 100 employees are at risk of redundancy, will reduce from 90 days to 45 days. We expect to talk to HR about the impact of this change, if any, on the agreed redundancy procedures at Nationwide.

NGSU Regional Council Meetings – the first union regional council meetings of the year will start in February and run through into March. A timetable of NGSU meetings for the year is available on our website (from the ‘What’s New’ Section).

March – April – May

Statutory Maternity Pay – the statutory rate of maternity/paternity/adoption pay is being increased to £136.78 per week.

Auto-Enrolment of Pensions – the requirement to automatically enrol employees into a company pension scheme comes into force during 2013. This will affect eligible job holders at Nationwide, who are not already in an NBS pension scheme, from May.

NGSU Roadshows – the Union will be visiting all the administration centres over the early summer months.

June – July – August

Annual Pay Review – talks regarding the annual pay review will commence with the aim of implementing the annual review from 1 July 2013.

NGSU Regional Council Meetings – the second round of council meetings will take place during May and June and will focus on consultation regarding the pay review, and looking ahead to the National Conference in October.

Rapport Magazine – will be sent to members in June.

September – October

TUC Congress – is being held over 8-11 September 2013

Union Elections – the process for electing members of the National Executive Committee and Constituency Representatives for the 2014-2015 term of office will begin.

NGSU National Conference – will be held over 7-8 October 2013 at the Daventry Court Hotel. NGSU Reps from across all business areas will come together to debate motions raised on behalf of their local members. Motions passed by a two-thirds majority of eligible delegates will become Union policy.

November- December

NGSU Regional Council Meetings – final Council meetings for the year will be held.

Rapport Magazine – will be sent to members in December.

NGSU Roadshows – the Union will be visiting all the admin centres over the Autumn and Winter months

January Draw Winners

First Prize : £10,643
089978: Pamela Daly of Warehouse (Swindon)

Second Prize: £5,000
078414: Helen Steers of ‘Extraordinary’ (NAC)

Third Prize: £2,000
124430: Melony Hargraves of Weston Super Mare

Fourth Prizes: £500

079190: Judith Featherby of Ripley
089782: Fiona Casey of Weston Favell
096681: Amanda Baldwin of Northampton Area

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