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Charitable Fund

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Charitable Fund

At the NGSU Conference 2005 delegates voted for the Union to set up and maintain a Charitable Fund. The Fund allows the Union to make charitable donations recognising our wider responsibility to the national and international community. Examples of previous donations are listed below.

Requests for charitable donations are considered and authorised by the National Executive Committee (NEC). The Fund operates under the following principles:

  • Recipient must be a registered charity or sponsored by a reputable umbrella organisation.
  • Donations should be used for the benefit of people within a community or group, or as part of a disaster campaign.
  • Where a charity’s aims and objectives are broadly aligned to those of NGSU and its members, they will be more favourably considered
  • Generally, the charity should be nationally recognised. However charities in close proximity to Nationwide’s key admin centres, or local to NGSU head office would also be considered.

Requests for donations should be sent to Matt Stanley, NGSU President, at the NGSU Office in Middleton Cheney.

David Hopkins Trust

The Union also makes grants of up to £500 to individual NGSU members to support their personal development in relation to work they do in their local community – more information.

Donations made by the Union are shown below. Where links are shown, the external organisations may change the structure of their websites, or even the website address, without NGSU’s knowledge. We do not ensure that these links remain valid after the date they are initially listed.

Charitable Fund – Donations

2024: Medical Aid for Palestinians – £2,000

2023: DEC Turkey / Syria Earthquake Appeal – £1,000

2022: ABF The Army Charity – £500

2022: Teenage Cancer Trust – £500

2022: British Red Cross DEC Ukraine Appeal: NGSU made a donation of £2,000.

2022: DEC Afghanistan Crisis Appeal: NGSU made a donation of £2,000.

2021: Delegates at Conference 2021 were invited to vote to share an allocation of £5000 between 3 charities.  The donations made were:  NSPCC = £2,300 ; Crisis = £1,800;  Trussell Trust = £900.

2021: Guide Dogs for the Blind Association: NGSU made a donation of £1,000.

2021:  DEC India Coronavirus Appeal: NGSU made a donation of £10,000.

2020: SPRING – a Bournemouth based charity supporting bereaved parents and families. NGSU made a donation of £500.

2019: NSPCC: NGSU made a donation of £1430 (£715 was raised by delegates at the National Conference and matched by a donation from the Charitable Fund).

2019: Cyclone Idai Appeal:  NGSU made a donation of £5,000 to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal.

2018: Tall Ships Youth Trust: NGSU made a donation of £1,500 to ‘new flagship appeal.

2018: Indonesia Tsunami Appeal: NGSU made a donation of £5,000 to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal.

2017: East Africa Crisis Appeal: NGSU made a donation of £5,000 to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) East Africa Crisis appeal.

2017: Myanmar Emergency Appeal: NGSU made a donation of £5,000 to the DEC appeal.

2017:  NSPCC:  NGSU made a donation of £1,900 – raised at National Conference.

2015:  Philippines Typhoon Appeal.  NGSU  and a donation of £5,000 to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Philippines Appeals.

2015: A charity raffle, held at the NGSU National Conference, raised £538.40 for the NSPCC.  The NEC agreed to match this sum from the Charitable Reserve making a total donation of £1,088.40.

2013: Ebola Appeal. NGSU made a donation of £1,000 to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ebola Crisis Appeal.

2012: In 2012 funds from the David Hopkins Trust (DHT) were transferred to the NGSU Charitable Fund. In accordance with the aims of the DHT, donations were made to two cycling charities (Charlotte’s Tandems and Cycling Projects) and an amount of £5,000 was made available for individual NGSU members to apply for awards to help support their personal development in relation to voluntary work they undertake in the community – six awards have been granted.

2011: Pancreatic Cancer Fund. NGSU made a £1000 donation towards a fund raising event held in NH. Delegates at the National Conference 2011 raised £400 for the NSPCC and this was matched by a donation from the Fund, making a total donation of £800 (PDF file).

2010: Julia’s House supports over 100 families across Dorset and cares for the whole family in many different ways. NGSU made a £1,000 to support the fund raising activities of employees in Bournemouth Administration Centre (BAC).

2009: Haiti Earthquake appeal: NGSU made a donation of £5,000 to the TUC Aid appeal to support the emergency relief efforts and long-term rehabilitation of the Haitian people.

2008: Swindon MS Therapy Centre which provides help and support to Multiple Sclerosis sufferers and their carers in and around Swindon. They are currently undertaking to buy larger premises to cope with increased demand for their services and our donation will contribute to the successful conclusion of that project.

2008: TUC’s Justice for Columbia campaign which supports Trade Unionists in Columbia and their families. In Columbia members of Unions are persecuted and activists are imprisoned and even murdered so it’s important that we do what we can to help those in countries where the simple freedoms we take for granted are denied.

2005 – Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster

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