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Union Mail June 2013

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Group Distribution Bonus Scheme: Appeal Process

We are now approaching the end of the first quarter of the performance year and employees in Group Distribution (Branch Network and Direct) will shortly be agreeing their behaviour rating to determine their quarterly bonus. The behaviour rating should reflect a holistic view of an employee’s performance – assessing their contribution against all of the objectives in their performance plan. The agreed performance rating will then dictate the bonus payment, with the amounts for quarter one being based on a bonus pool that assumes the corporate objectives are ‘on plan’.

This is the first time the new bonus arrangements will be put into operation and this may mean there will be some challenges ahead as everyone seeks to understand exactly how the process is meant to work. We know that many employees are confused about what is expected of them and how their performance will be assessed, and this may lead to some disagreements arising about their performance rating. In anticipation of this, a two stage appeal process has been agreed and we urge members to use this process if they believe their rating does not properly reflect their contribution.

Appeal Process

The first stage of the process involves a more senior manager reviewing your performance rating. This might be your manager’s manager, or in the case of CRs, your District Manager. If the reviewing manager has been closely involved with the calibration of your rating it may be referred to another manager.

To initiate this review you must complete a stage one review form, stating the reasons why you disagree with your rating. This must be e-mailed to the reviewing manager within five working days of your rating being keyed on ‘tracsmart’. The reviewing manager will contact you to discuss your concerns and will either agree a new rating with you or say why they believe the rating you’ve been given is still appropriate.

If you believe this review of your rating has still not addressed your concerns you can raise a stage two appeal. You will be required to re-submit your appeal form, providing further comments about why you think the stage one review has failed to address your concerns. You must submit this form within five working days of receiving the decision from the reviewing manager.

Your stage two appeal will be considered by an executive panel. You will not be required to attend the panel – they will assess your appeal from your written evidence. The panel will consist of senior executives from your division and representatives from HR. The decision and rationale of the panel will be e-mailed to you and any adjustment to your rating will be amended centrally.

The appeals process does not remove your right to raise a formal grievance about your rating. In some circumstances it may be more appropriate to hear an appeal using the grievance process, for example, if your concerns include issues connected to discrimination or bullying.

What are Grounds for Appeal?

Your performance rating should be a balanced assessment of your overall contribution and behaviours. We have already had reports from members across the branch network that they have been told they will be rated as ‘part-met’ if they fail to make the expected number of referrals or appointments or that they are not ‘commercially viable’.

The expected activity levels set out in performance plans are not targets and if your rating is based solely on such a measure you must appeal. Performance plans suggest activity that could be reasonably expected for each role but this is not an absolute figure. It is accepted by the business that actual activity levels will fluctuate around a range and this could be dependent on a variety of factors, such as local market conditions.

Other factors that could constitute grounds for appeal could include: being given a lower rating because you’d been absent during the quarter (your performance should be assessed on your time at work); if your rating has been allocated to fit into a desired distribution of ratings; or if your rating is imposed without any opportunity for you to discuss and agree it.

An appeal is more likely to be successful if you can supply examples of how you’ve met (or exceeded) your performance plan objectives and provide supporting evidence. At stage two of the process, the panel will be reviewing your written evidence, so take time to make sure you’ve presented your arguments and evidence as clearly as possible. However, don’t overload the panel with mountains of irrelevant paperwork – set out your points in a clear and concise way so that it’s easy for the panel to understand the reasons for your appeal.

Points to Remember

The appeals process has been agreed by senior management in Group Distribution, HR and the Union and is there for employees to use. You will not be penalised for raising an appeal. It is in your manager’s performance agreement that they are required to create an open and honest culture where it is ‘safe to speak’ – so they shouldn’t deter or prevent you from using the process.

The outcome of the appeal will either be that your original rating is confirmed or it is amended to a higher rating. It will not be reduced.

You must endeavour to meet the timescales set out in the process. These have been agreed to try to ensure that appeals are heard as quickly as possible and to prevent a build up of appeals from one quarter to the next. If there are exceptional circumstances that mean you can’t meet the timescales please talk to your manager and contact HR or the Union if you need further help.

We hope that this process will resolve most issues but this doesn’t remove your right to raise a formal grievance even if the appeals process has been exhausted.

Help and Support

There is no general right of Union representation at either stage of the appeals process but full representation rights will apply if your appeal is heard as a grievance. However, members can contact us for confidential advice about issues relating to their appeal and for support in completing the appeal documentation. Please talk to your local Representative or call us on 01295 710767 and ask to speak to an Individual Cases Officer.

The Union has been invited to observe the appeal panels in operation. We will not have a role in determining the outcome of an appeal but it will be an opportunity for us to understand the types of decisions the panel is making and to help reassure members that the process is fair.

Employee and Manager guides will be issued by the business shortly. We recommend that you read and refer to both guides when considering raising an appeal.

Tim Poil
General Secretary

NEC Vacancies

We have three vacancies for the following positions on the National Executive Committee (NEC) for the remaining period of the 2012/2013 term of office:-

  • Executive Officer
  • National Regional Officer: Retail South 2
    Severnside, Cotswold & Wiltshire; South Wales & Avon; South Coast Central; Wessex; South West
  • National Regional Officer: Retail South 3
    Kent; Southern Counties; Sussex & Surrey; Surrey & The Shires

The NEC is responsible for the overall running of the Union and implementation of policy as directed by National Conference. As a member of the NEC you’ll attend bi-monthly meetings at the Union’s office in Middleton Cheney. This year you’ll also attend the Union’s National Conference which is being held over 7-9th October in Daventry. The elected officer will be eligible for up to 11 paid days off from Nationwide to fulfill their Union duties and attend meetings. Nomination forms must be received at the Union’s Office by 5pm on Friday 22nd June 2013. In the event that more than one nomination is received an election will be held. Nominees for the National Regional Officer roles must work within the Region they are representing. Only members who are employees of Nationwide are eligible for roles on the NEC in accordance with Union rules.

For more information and a nomination form please call Steve Barnes, NGSU President, on 01295 710767.

June Draw Winners

First Prize: £10,907
075415: Kevin Smith of Pension Fund Members

Second Prize: £5,000
075200: Brian Cooper of Pension Fund Members

Third Prize: £2,000
117582: Megan Davis of S_Petalas (Swindon)

Fourth Prizes: £500
117324: Mitul Gadhia of Leicester (Horsefair Street)
124484: Stuart McFadzean of Glasgow New Business
077443: Lesley Richards of Neath

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